Nishana Nazar: narración sobre bullying escolar

Posted by Luis on lunes, 13 de abril de 2015 | 0 comentarios

Nos gustaría dar nuestra más sincera enhorabuena a Nishana Nazar, de 4º de ESO, por el breve relato que han entregado hoy sobre acoso escolar para su clase de inglés.

Nishana tiene madera de escritora, lo que complementa perfectamente con sus ganas por aprender el idiomas de Shakespeare.

Me ha gustado mucho cómo ha utilizado el vocabulario que dimos sobre el tema la semana pasada; también es sobresaliente que no es una historia lineal, sino que tiene varias implicaciones y, cómo no, lo adorna con un típico recurso de buena pluma: el día que va a ocurrir algo, o llueve torrencialmente o hace un calor tremedo... 'One day, a hot day'...

Os dejo con el relato, con algunas correcciones entre paréntesis y, finalmente con un glosario sobre el tema:

Amy is different from the rest of the teenagers of her class. She was from other country, her skin colour was different, darker, she doesn’t wear short skirt like other girls, listen to the latest bands, wear cool cloth (debes utilizar 'clothes' porque 'cloth' significa 'trapo') and, what’s more, she doesn’t speak well English.
Consequently, she’s bullied at school. She put up with insults for more than 4 years! Sometimes, she was surrounded by the popular girls from her class and threatened her to do their homework or, at exam times, gave the correct answers to them.

She hated England for many years and she wanted to return to Peru. Bus this option was impossible because her parents work in England, so she decides (decided) to endure it.
Bullying to Amy was taken in many forms: From insults to intimidation even physical aggression.

She learned to ignore the insults, so the other girls from her class decide (decided) to intimidate her and tell bad things about her to other people and make her life impossible.

Amy, little by little, also learned to ignore the intimidation. Her objectives were passing the class with the best mark possible and wait (waiting) to change school.

The popular girls saw that Amy’s (were) ignoring them so they had a new plan to nettle her: physical aggression.

This year, in 4th EP (she get (got) in this school in 2nd) she made a good friend, Albert, he’s (was) one year older than she (her) (he was in 5th class). She told her problem to him, he convince her to tell it to teachers because this was serious… Amy promised to Albert that she will do it, but she lied.

One day, hot day, (esto es muy bueno) Amy was threatened by Clair (Clair was one year older), Clair set to Amy that at the way out of class she’ll punch her. This time (she) was scared, she couldn’t ignore that. She told it to the Head Teacher and he accompanied Amy to way out. Clair wasn’t there… Amy felt very bad because she thought that the next time Head Teacher won’t believe her.

Few days after, girls from Amy class surrounded her, with insults, pushing her, threatening… and suddenly one of that girl punched Amy’s arm. Amy was so angry and without thinking she claw at her face. The other girl stared for some seconds and did the same at Amy’s had (actually, Amy has a cool cicatrix there hehehehehe), this was a fight, but Amy seems to be stronger that the other bitch.

Next day Amy told this problem (without the part of the fight) to her class teacher, the class teacher talked with the girls and set them to let Amy alone.

From that day the girls stopped bullying Amy. But Amy stopped believing in people from her school , except in Albert.
Most of the time Amy’s alone, but she’s happy being alone.

Nishana Nazar


Put up with: aguantar (phrasal verb)

Sorrounded: rodeado/a. Suele ir seguido de la preposición 'by'

'Stare': mirar fijamente.

Threaten: amenazar

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