Día de San Jorge

Posted by Luis on lunes, 20 de abril de 2015 | 0 comentarios

El próximo día 23 de abril celebramos el Día de San Jorge.

San Jorge es un santo muy venerado en España, pero más, si cabe, en Inglaterra. ¿Sabéis en que consiste su leyenda?

Os propongo la siguiente lectura con una sopa de letras. Leedla y escuchadla en el enlace que os incluyo de bajo...

Once upon a time there was a brave knight called George who travelled around the world on his horse across many lands and had loads of exciting adventures. One day he arrived at a tiny village and met a man who lived next to the village. This man told him that the people in the village were very scared because awful things were happening there. A terrible dragon had come to live in the lake near the village and attacked the villagers every night. The villagers were desperate and didn’t know what to do. They gave the dragon their food, but the dragon ate the food and continued to attack them. Then, they gave the dragon all their farm animals, but the dragon took them and continued to attack them. After that, they gave the dragon all their gold and jewels, but the dragon took all their money and continued to attack them. Finally, the king sent his army to capture the dragon, but the dragon was too fierce and the soldiers were too scared, so they ran away. The king then sent his only daughter, the princess, to wait for the dragon by the lake. But when George heard that, he rode to the lake as fast as he could. Just when the dragon was going to eat the princess, George and fought the dragon with his sword and killed it. George and the princess returned to the village and the people there were so pleased to hear the dragon was dead that they had a big party to celebrate it!

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